After reviewing 30 Trader Joe's food is a must-have ... I decided to write about a dozen additional products are really beneficial for the stomach (although I'm pretty kick-ass to make every mother-to-happy).
Trader Joe Alkaline Water + Electrolytes
Most pregnant women know what to eat and what not to eat, but not no one truly address security in PH levels in the water we drink. According to it very safe for pregnant women to drink alkaline water and electrolytes help with hydration. I personally LOVE this water and can feel the difference immediately. Have a taste as clean and clear, it was quite remarkable actually. At $ 1.29 for 50.7oz, it's not expensive either.
Organic Low Fat Yogurt Wildberry Probiotic Smoothie
Since I read about constipation during pregnancy, I decided to eat / drink yoghurt containing probiotics almost every day. I read in probiotics with pregnancy and just see tremendous benefits. It has been about 4 months since I first started taking probiotics and I have not yet (knock on wood) to constipation. This smoothie is organic, which I could not find on the regular market. I consider it my breakfast treat.
TJ Omega-3 Fatty Acids Dietary Supplement
I know this is not a food item, but it is such an important supplement to, especially if you do not eat fish during your pregnancy. I have a great aversion to fish for the first few months, so take this instead made me feel like I at least get some DHA in my diet. has the great benefit events during pregnancy when eating foods high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids so I could not let this one slide.
tasteful Thin Rice Crackers Mini with Multiseed and Ketchup
Type a mouthful, but since we're talking about the benefits of Omega-3, I add this one to my cart. Not only are they good for you, but they are a good period. Great snack to have its own or with a slice of cheese. They have a salty taste is incredible to them as soy that meets the specific desires. Beats eat pickles all day.
Organic Grade A Large Brown Eggs plus Omega 3
Since we were in omega-3 trains, let's add a few eggs to cart us contain fatty acids this magical. I did not know I even have the option to buy an egg with a "plus omega-3". I kinda always thought naturally have their eggs in it, but it is much more reasonable. I suspect the chicken will eat foods high in O-3's? So then I read this and I was right. Slightly more expensive, but if it's good for the baby, then it's really worth it.
Crunchy Salted Peanut Butter with Flax and Chia Seeds
I have never seen actual flax and chia seeds in peanut butter so it was worth a try. I have added flaxseed to cereal every morning but have not really put a regular chia seeds. After such replenish nutrients, provide energy, slows the absorption of sugar, and help brain function, I quickly went to my closet and downing a tablespoon of these seeds. One of these days a lot of my cravings are peanut butter, so this is a clever way to combine everything. TJ Good job!
Honey Almond and Flax 9 Whole Grain Crunch Cereal
With 560mg Omega-3 per serving, this is a no-brainer cereals to start your day. I really like the crisis and how to stay crispy longer than most cereals after it sat in my milk. There is nothing worse than soggy cereal. The seeds make me full longer and almonds and honey is a nice touch for a healthy taste. It was nice to start the morning off right consistent since I've been binging on some snacks are not very well recently. I could not get enough chocolate!
Roasted and Salted Marcona Almonds with Rosemary
If you have not tried Marcona almonds, you really depriving yourself. They were so butter and cream is packed with so many amazing benefits: protein, fiber, vitamin E, calcium, manganese, riboflavin, magnesium, and folic acid. This is my favorite flavor ... combine perfectly with the salty taste of rosemary savory. They taste good. enough said.
Black Mission Fig
I like my cheese plate and a good partner to eat with it, is a fig. "Fresh or dried, figs have more fiber than a typical fruit or vegetable, more potassium than bananas, and a lot of calcium and iron." () They have high amounts of sugar, so I make sure I did not take down the entire container. Because they are dry, they l rackIFE is quite impressive as well. Throw in smoothies, cereal, or salad to add this benefit.
Reed's Ginger Brew
One of my favorites is a virgin Moscow Mule. To make this drink at home, you need to find a good ginger beer, not just ginger ale. ginger beer is pretty strong, so if you like the taste of ginger, this took four packs on the way out.
Clausthaler Premium
Since your guests drink all your wine, you might as well treat yourself to something that makes you feel like you're still part of the team. This 6-pack has saved Simone and me during the days and nights we would watch others indulge in something we both have to avoid. Ok, so you do not get a buzz even though you've been sprinkled with 4 of them ... but it is the best alternative for now.
Caffeine Free Organic Mint Melange Tea
Since I'm not really a big caffeine addict, I survived cutting it out of my diet. However, at night there is something comforting about having a cup of hot tea. And because I am married to a Brit (along with friends with Sean and Simone) I have become more accustomed to drinking tea. This is the most I drink tea because it was not too strong and it was very soothing. It also helps with nausea during the first few months of my pregnancy. A must buy if you're preggers.
This is just a basket of items I bought at my side. Of course I always throw my organic bananas, berries, avocados and apples every time I'm in the store. If you ever worry that you're going fast fruit is bad (as many TJs product is not), throw them all in a blender before they do ... or freeze them and then put them in a blender. I always find solutions rather than wasting food. Happy Shopping!
Is there an item you want to add them to this cart?
I'm not pregnant, but I will buy all the items on this list anyway (except for non-alcoholic beer)! 🙂 This all sounds delish & healthy!
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