The best way to meet with you and your baby's nutritional needs is to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods and be as healthy as possible as early as possible.
These foods should include:
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weight gain during pregnancy varies between women. It is normal to gain 12-14kg during pregnancy. It's important not to diet or skip meals while you are pregnant as your baby grows every day and needs you to maintain, a healthy balanced diet.
* 8 services per day for women 18 years old or below
** 3 1/2 service per day for women 18 years old or below
during pregnancy your body needs extra vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help your baby develop. The best way to get vitamins is through your diet.
Folate is a vitamin B and are added to foods or supplements of folic acid. Folate is important for your baby's development during early pregnancy because it helps prevent birth abnormalities like spina-bifida.
The best way to ensure you're getting enough folate is to take supplements of folic acid each day from 400 to 600 micrograms one month before conception and during the first 3 months of pregnancy. If you have a family history of neural tube defects you may need more folate, so you should consult with your doctor. It is also important to eat foods that have added folic acid or are naturally rich in folate. Foods with folic acid added to them (fortified) include most breads, some breakfast cereals and fruit juices. Check the nutrition information panel on the package to find out how much folate is present.
Foods naturally rich in folate include green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and salad greens, peas, beans, orange juice, some fruits and dried beans and peas.
Pregnancy increases your need for iron. Your baby's interesting enough iron from you to last through the first 5 or 6 months after birth so it is important that you consume more iron while pregnant. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of iron during pregnancy is 27mg per day. , Taking supplements can help meet the recommended intake of this but you just have to take iron supplements under your doctor's advice
good sources of iron include:
Eat foods high in vitamin C will also be help you to absorb iron if you take it at the same time. Try drinking a glass of orange juice when eating green vegetables or beans. You also need to watch out for tea, coffee and cola as caffeine reduces the body's absorption of iron.
Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy and strong bones. During the third trimester of pregnancy, your baby needs a large amount of calcium as they start to develop and strengthen their bones. If you do not get enough calcium in your diet, the calcium needed by your baby will be taken from your own bone. To prevent this, and the risk of osteoporosis in later Make sure you get enough calcium in your diet for both of you.
The recommended daily intake of calcium during pregnancy is 1000mg to 1300mg per day. Two serves of dairy foods such as milk, hard cheese, yogurt and calcium-fortified soy milk, should meet your everyday needs.
Iodine is important for everyone, but especially for pregnant and lactating women. Mild to moderate iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to babies with learning difficulties and affect the development of motor skills and hearing.
In Australia, most bread, except organic varieties, enriched with iodine, which will help to address the needs of most residents iodine. However, pregnant and lactating women have higher requirements for iodine so some women may need to take supplements. Talk with your doctor, midwife or accredited practicing dietitian for advice.
If you think you are not getting enough vitamins or nutrients please talk with your doctor.
Use this handy guide to assist in making decisions about what to eat and what to avoid during pregnancy.
It highlights some of the foods that are not recommended for pregnant women.
When you are pregnant, hormonal changes in your body lower the immune system which can make it harder to fight off disease and infection. Preventing foodborne illness and protecting yourself from other food risks during pregnancy is very important.
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remains cool
Keep it clean
Keep hot
Check label
Salmonella can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever and headache. Pregnant women who are not at increased risk of contracting salmonellosis, but in rare cases it can trigger a miscarriage.
It is recommended to avoid foods that contain raw egg and always cook meat, chicken and eggs thoroughly. NSW Food Authority also recommended that pregnant women not eat types of sprouts, including alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, onion sprouts, sunflower sprouts, clover sprouts, radish sprouts, cabbage Snowpea, green beans and soybean sprouts, when raw or lightly cooked.
Listeria is a type of bacteria found in some foods that can cause a rare but dangerous infection called listeriosis. It usually takes about 30 days for flu-like symptoms occur, but it could take longer. If Listeria is transmitted to the unborn baby can lead to miscarriage, premature delivery or stillbirth.
Some foods may contain Listeria even when they have been stored properly so the best way to avoid listeriosis is to follow these guidelines:
For more information about the risks involved see
Toxoplasmosis while uncommon in pregnant women can occur if you eat undercooked meat or fruit and vegetables that are not washed, especially from the garden with. cat household. The most common but the infection is caused by touching cat feces when cleaning the cat litter tray or contaminated soil in the garden. It is very important to avoid toxoplasmosis during pregnancy because it can cause brain damage or blindness in your unborn child.
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Fish is rich in protein and minerals, low in saturated fat and contain omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the development of the central nervous system in babies, before and after they are born.
Although it is really important to eat fish during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you need to be careful about which fish you choose. That's because some fish may contain mercury levels that may harm an unborn baby or young child's developing nervous system.
The following table will help you safely include fish as an important part of a balanced diet.
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Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth or your baby could born with fetal alcohol syndrome (slow growth before and after birth, and mental disabilities).
Because it is unknown whether there is a safe level of drinking during pregnancy, the National Health and Medical Research Council advises women that it is best not to drink during pregnancy.
The Small amounts to caffeine safe during pregnancy but excessive volumes may increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Caffeine in coffee, tea, chocolate and cola (and some other soft drinks).
NSW Health recommends that pregnant women limit themselves to 200mg of caffeine daily. The amount to be obtained from about 1-2 cups of espresso-style coffee, 3 cups of instant coffee, four cups of medium-strength tea, 4 cups of cocoa or hot chocolate, or 4 cans of cola. Avoid double shot of espresso and drinks marked as sports or energy drinks that contain caffeine.
Smoking is harmful to your baby. Smoking increases the risk of premature birth, low birth weight, respiratory problems and SIDS. There is no safe level of smoking. For help to quit smoking call the Quitline on 13 18 48.

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