In addition to having a doctor for an ultrasound opinion, is it possible to predict the sex of the baby?
Friends and family may show signs of having a girl or a boy, but most probably will be based on the folklore and not science.
a at 20 weeks into the pregnancy is the most reliable way to tell the sex of the baby.
This article discusses some of the traditional signs that a person is having a girl, and whether they have scientific evidence to support them
We look at the science behind the eight traditional signs have a girl:.
Some people think that the worst is a sign of having a girl. In fact, recent research shows that pain during pregnancy may be related to the sex of the baby.
A find that women who bring girls to experience more when their immune system is exposed to the bacteria than boys were brought.
These differences can affect the way women bring women experience morning sickness. They may feel more unwell than those carrying a boy.
Further research is needed to understand whether there is a relationship between morning sickness and the gender of the baby.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can often lead to changes in mood. Some people think that women carrying girls have a higher level and moodier as a result. Studies do not support this theory, however.
increased hormone levels during pregnancy and occur after childbirth regardless of whether the baby is male or female.
If a woman gains a lot of weight around his middle during pregnancy, some people think this way she was having a girl. They also believe that weight gain is just in front of the body showed a boy.
Again, the scientific evidence does not back this theory. Where weight women gain during pregnancy depends on the type of body.
Bringing high infant is often repeated signs have a girl. , Despite its popularity, it has no scientific basis
Where a woman carrying her baby depends on him:
Women often experience new cravings when pregnant. Some people think if a woman is in desperate need of sugar, he can bring a girl, while the salty craving may indicate a boy.
There is no scientific evidence that shows that food cravings during pregnancy may indicate the sex of the baby.
A woman's level before she conceives may influence the sex of the baby. found a link between levels of the stress hormone cortisol and the ratio of male to female births.
In this study, women with high levels of cortisol are statistically more likely to have daughters.
a finding that in the two years following the earthquake on the Greek island of Zakynthos, the male birth rate down. The researchers speculate that the increased level of stress in society that affect the island's birth rate.
Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between stress and sex of the unborn baby.
Some people believe that having oily skin and dull hair can mean a woman carrying a girl.
This belief is based not scientific.
On the other hand, changes in oil production or the appearance of hair during pregnancy may be associated with hormonal changes or changes in diet.
Some people believe that if the baby's heart beat fast, they might be women.
However, the researchers debunked this myth decades ago that found no significant difference between fetal heart rates of men and women.
The best chance to know the baby's gender is when a doctor performs an ultrasound scan at 20 weeks.
doctors will see the baby's genitals during a scan to determine their gender. It is usually accurate but not always, because a lot of things that could blur the image ultrasound
There are several other procedures doctors can do to get a definitive answer, including :.
A physician typically only offer this procedure if they are worried about the baby's health.
Some of the signs of anecdotes having a girl is a myth that needs to unload.
excessive morning sickness and stress preconceptions may mean it is more likely a woman will have a daughter, but more research is needed to fully understand how these factors influence the sex of the baby.
The most useful way to determine the sex of the baby is to ask the professional opinion of the doctor in the 20-week ultrasound.

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