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Having some unusual cravings? Do only about mood or can you lack something important? From pregnancy to feel picky, Kerry Torrens explains what your body may be trying to tell you ...

If you're prone to snack mid morning or feel the urge for it sugar hit in the afternoon, you may end up blaming yourself for weak-willed. But have you ever thought there might be more to your cravings from a lack of their own accord?

Stress, anxiety and emotions can all affect our 'needs' to certain foods. Take carbohydrates such as bread, biscuits and sweet treats, for example -. Eat them has a calming effect and increase levels of good-atmosphere brain chemical serotonin, which is just what the cravings of your body when you're feeling down or stressed

In fact, the cravings are much more likely to be a signal from your brain about emotions you from your stomach tells you that it is hungry or that you have specific nutritional needs. That said, there are some physiological conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders (such as polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS), which can cause you to crave carbohydrates and sugary foods. Similarly, most women experience cravings in the days before their period for serotonin-boosters such as chocolate, which can help manage the adrenal gland - the body's stress regulator.

If all this sounds familiar, take heart - there are steps you can take to manage your cravings ...

We've all heard of the crazy food cravings during pregnancy, but they are a useful marker of nutritional needs or just another example of hormonal havoc?

Almost two-thirds of mothers-to-be experience some form of food craving. Whether it's for chili or chocolate, pickle or potato chips, the drive to meet this 'need' strong. But is this really the way your body communicates some innate wisdom?

This is a hotly debated topic, with many arguing that scientific evidence from our bodies in the 'knowledge' is not there. What we do know, however, is that you are much more likely to experience food cravings if you suffer from a bad attack of morning sickness during early stages of pregnancy. The most commonly craved foods tend to be those that are high in energy, especially fatty foods or sweet, than those who are rich in protein and fiber, so maybe it was an extra energy boost our bodies crave when demands on our pregnancy.

It is not only the desire of food that mothers-to-be experience - they also may feel a strong aversion, which sometimes can even be for food before they chew enough happy. Experience both symptoms are more likely scenario than having just crave it. Moreover, the research tells us more vulnerable to food issues during pregnancy if you run into them before -! Eater so faddy beware

For many of us, the reluctance of food can be very easily explained by our often high sense of taste and smell - for example, many pregnant women expressed the kitchen area a no-go when the food protein such as meat and fish are being prepared. Other women have the urge for a strange odor and aroma, with the object of their desire is often quoted strange because some food cravings.

Ice, ice freezer, clay, soil, polystyrene and soap is one of the strange non-food items that some pregnant women feel the need to consume. This practice is known as pica, and many attempts to explain it by associating it with malnutrition, the most common minerals. Although research suggests women who practice pica is more likely to have underweight and anemia may be at the moment of conception, scientific links with certain nutrients remain elusive.

So if it's not your body is telling you about the specific nutritional needs, can it really comes down to hormones?

Some experts believe that, but we are not talking here of female hormones - it has more to do with the hormones that regulate your appetite. Many appetite control hormone shifts during pregnancy, with some, including neuropep hormone calledpairs of Y, increase - this leads to a corresponding rise tastes. Once again, our knowledge is less, because although these hormones can increase our appetite during pregnancy, connecting them with the actual food craving is not so easy.

One thing is clear - there is the food you crave. This means the food cravings of pregnant women in Tanzania tends to be very different from that of the mother-to-be in the UK or the US. Also, food cravings and aversion tends to be at their most intense during early pregnancy (although that's not always the case), with most mothers-to-be experience a peak during the second trimester, after the general feeling subsided. That said, if you begin to crave sweet foods as pregnancy advances, it is worth mentioning this to your health professional -. Increased desire for sweet foods is common in women who continue to develop gestational diabetes

Despite the ferocity of food cravings, it's good to know that they are often seen with eating disorders. But do not forget that indulge too often can lead to excess weight gain, which puts extra stress on your body and can result in the delivery of high birth weight and related implications.

common cravings

Generally, the suggested link with ...

could actually be because ...



Chewing or sucking on ice relief of inflammation of the mouth and tongue, thought to be a sign of anemia.



Chocolate is a good source of magnesium, but as well as nuts, were less frequently cited as the food craved. Desire choccie You might be related to the feel-good factor it gives and sweetness.


Vitamin C

Tastebuds changes during pregnancy, so some experts suggest it is actually a strong sour taste you crave.



There is no evidence to support this, and some women say it crunch and acidity that really meet their

Ice cream

Fat, sugar, protein

Sweet and cooling as well as rich and creamy -. can that's why you crave ice cream sundae?

with no explanation has been widely accepted for food cravings during pregnancy, the best advice to be found during your cravings do not threaten your health or that the unborn baby and you continue to eat a balanced diet, then go ahead and indulge occasionally. However, if your desire is to survive, they can prevent you from getting the essential nutrients you need - and if they are high in fat, sugar or salt (or they put you at risk of food poisoning), talk to your doctor

have to keep in mind that salty foods will not only affect your blood pressure, but it can cause bloating and swelling. Eating too much sugar can put additional burden on the organs, like the pancreas. Likewise, if your desire is just plain weird - soap, sand or even coal, for instance - and they stop you from achieving the right balance in your diet, seek medical advice

Finally, the words for. they are planning a pregnancy - one thing we do know is that how you nourish yourself before conception is as important as your diet during pregnancy, so start early and eat a balanced diet now to help you enjoy a happy one, a healthy pregnancy in the future

for more information about pregnancy diet, visit: ..

this article last reviewed on Jun. 3,

Kerry Torrens is a nutritional therapist BBC Good Food magazine this.

All content on healthcare is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or other health professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider. See our website for more information.

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