Do food cravings threaten to derail good nutrition during your pregnancy? Here's how to stay on track.
For many women, strongly to certain foods come with the territory for. You may have heard stories of loved ones deployed at all hours to search for a particular brand of bacon double cheeseburger or rocky road ice cream to extinguish the desire of a pregnant mother. Perhaps you've felt the overwhelming urge to splurge directly.
The truth is, no one is sure why some women have a desire. "Some experts say the cravings, and the other side of them, the reluctance of food, protective, even if there is no scientific data to support that theory," said Siobhan Dolan, MD, medical director assistant of the March of Dimes Foundation and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and in Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
For example, you may not feel like drinking alcohol while pregnant, which is advantageous because it avoids the beer, wine, and other spirits encourage mental and physical development of your baby.
Others think the preference of pregnant women to certain foods such as salt-laden potato chips are a natural way to help meet daily sodium quota. However, it is highly unlikely that these cells are called malnutrition translate into food cravings. Longing for certain foods tend to distinguish desire from the desire women have when they are not expecting.
So the food cravings may be all in your head, the pregnancy hormone products. Hormonal shifts during pregnancy increases (which greatly affects the flavor) and strong enough to influence food choices.
"It is possible that women who feel nausea, bloating, fatigue, or grumpy due to the effect of pregnancy hormones look to food to increase their comfort level," says Elisa Zied, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "Some women who remove themselves when they're not pregnant think of pregnancy as a time to indulge themselves with food they usually avoid."
As expected, Zied preferably as a teenager he loves food but ate much more often in the years leading up to her two pregnancies. The combination of kielbasa and cheese melted on top of an English muffin toasted great with Zied during her first pregnancy. As for the second child, she is more like Cheez-Its on anything.
How does a professional who knows better manage the cravings? By eating small portions of the version of the low-fat favorite food. "When I want food, I really wanted them, so I gave up, always aware of how much I was eating," he said.
food women tend to want, in fact, a good choice. Taking dairy products, for example, is rich in protein, and several others, which is one of the top foods women want during pregnancy, according to the March of Dimes. When Dolan pregnant, cranberry juice was wanting to drink. Fortified cranberry juice can be an excellent source of or and contain other arrays as needed during pregnancy.
food cravings usually differ from pregnancy to pregnancy. They also can change from day to day. Do not be surprised when the food you need to have a shocker yesterday today. Sometimes, pregnancy permanently alter food preferences. Once delivered, Dolan's love of cranberry juice turned to distaste. "Now, I will not even go near it," he said.
Some women find themselves with a yen for non-food items, including ice, dirt, clay, paper, and even paint chips, a condition known as. Pica may signal. pregnant women can also get the urge to eat flour or cornstarch, which, despite the food, is the problem in large quantities. Too much can cause stomach blocked and pushes out the nutrients your baby needs to cause you to feel full. If you have this impulse, refused to eat the items you need, and report them to your doctor immediately.
No matter how strong your desire, steer clear of foods considered a health risk for pregnant women and developing babies. These include:
It's possible to have a food craving and still provide your baby with the nutrients he or she needs to grow. However, give Ina too often your desire for high-calorie foods may translate into too many advantages. Too much weight increases the risk and unhealthy levels.
Here is how to deal with cravings Pregnancy:
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