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Apartment Therapy full of ideas for creating a warm, wonderful, healthy home.
Before I got pregnant, I had visions of happily chowing down on sardines and kimchi and kale salad during my pregnancy, breastfeeding the baby-to-be all healthy food, I like to eat and hopefully.
Then I hit the sixth week of pregnancy. And suddenly even think about food makes me really sick. So what is the food-lover to do when the things that used to bring you joy every day suddenly cause pain? I do not think there is one very easy way to make it through the nausea that often accompanies pregnancy, but this is how I survive two months of intense and unrelenting morning sickness with my love good food - and my sanity -intact.
It's inevitable. Finding out what makes you feel sick, what you can tolerate, and what makes you really sick is a process, and not a very pleasant one. Eventually you will find some sort of groove, but it will take a bit of trial and error. Reversed? It usually only get better from here.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body starts pumping out the hormone that slows the muscles of your digestive system, digestive bring you to what feels like a screeching halt. Eating a large meal, or even a normal sized portion that you are used to, it may be too much for your sluggish system. At the same time, you'll probably find that an empty stomach is a recipe for nausea, so the best way to avoid the nausea and indigestion is to eat small amounts of food every hour or two, or as often as needed. ,
Goodbye, raw carrots
Fat and Fiber slows digestion and makes you feel full longer - usually a good thing, but not when things are already moving so slowly. My diet usually consists of a lot of nuts, seeds, whole nuts and raw vegetables, which is all too much for my delicate digestive system to handle. The food processing to cook them and / or make a puree them to make them easier to take; for example, I can not handle all the beans, but hummus tolerated.
And no matter how good they smell fried potatoes, fried food will most likely make you feel very sick. Even the food is prepared with a lot of oil can be annoying, which I found after a bit greasy Thailand non-fried food wrappers.
When you hear digestible, you might think about soda crackers, white rice, and pasta, but our food lovers know you can not live on white food only. I found myself feeling bloated and depressed after the first few weeks of life on white pasta and salty crackers. I need a vegetable! And although too much fiber can cause problems, you need some fiber to keep things moving and avoid other common consequences of pregnancy: constipation. (Especially if you are in Zofran, an anti-nausea drug with serious constipation unfortunate side effect.)
Fruits, watery vegetables, and dried fruits have a good amount of fiber, but it is easier to digest. Cook hard vegetables until they are very tender helped make it tolerable to them, and make them into soup puree even better.
When it comes to protein, I found a simple and lightweight experienced the best choice for me: grilled meat seasoned with salt and pepper, baked tofu, and eggs poached or scrambled (when I could stand the smell of eggs) ,
A typical evening meal during my morning sickness. I snapped this photo with my phone because the food looked so sad and depressing.
All the preferences of different foods, especially during the delicate period of early pregnancy. (For example, I have a strong desire to orange triggered by watching the characters on the TV show eating an occasional orange during the first week of feeling ill. It lasted for several months.) Talking with friends about what they eat while suffering through morning sickness will provide a variety of food ideas, not all of which wiwould be interesting, but when you are in the throes of nausea throughout the day, even the idea that triggers the appetite is very valuable.
I soon realized that even the lovely photos food turned my stomach, so I took a two-month absence from visiting Pinterest, Instagram, and most of the food blog. (Not easy when you work for a food blog, believe me!) I also found that looking at a computer screen and even the Kindle screen I left I felt a little queasy, so I spent a few months rediscover the joy of a paper book - confession: I reread the entire series Harry Potter - and blog design.
But I missed being part of the social media world food, especially on Instagram. I was too ill to physically attend the party and my friends were attending, and I could not even take part in virtual, which makes me feel more isolated. But that brings me to my next point ...
There's a lot to feel guilty when you are self-confessed food-lover who can not even think about food. When I suffer through morning sickness, here are the thoughts of guilt that comes to my mind: I do not cook. I spend too much money on takeout food. I had dinner and it was still early days. Subway sandwich I just ate for the first time in several years and it feels really good.
Let them. You're put to the test, both physically and mentally, but it is only temporary, so anything you can do to get yourself through it - and it will not harm the fetus, of course - is fair game. You will not be live from 4:00 dinner and emergency Veggie Delite sandwich forever.
Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and do not be afraid to ask for help. I give cooked fully for about five weeks - the longest I've ever been away from the kitchen since I started cooking. I spend whatever time I was not working or in class parked at the corner couch in my pajamas, watching TV or reading. I put my husband in charge of all household cleaners and jobs. That's what I need to feel better - I did, miraculously, began around the beginning of the second trimester.
Now I cook and eat pretty much normally - including sardines, kale salad, and kimchi! - and my two months of morning sickness is a memorable, if painful ,. Remember: It will end at some point and you can get back into cooking, eating, food-blog-reading person you always. And you will never take your digestive system for granted again!
Do you ever suffer through morning sickness or other health conditions that affect appetite? Do you have any tips to survive?
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