foods to eat while pregnant vegan

Eating Vegetarian Diet during Pregnancy - Nutrition & Menu PlanEating Vegetarian Diet during Pregnancy - Nutrition & Menu Plan

There is no stage in life where so many important nutrients such as during pregnancy. After all, you provide the nutrients necessary to support two lives. Since the first moments of life is important, nutrition leads to conception and during pregnancy, massively important. Many mothers, whether vegan or not, fail to eat nutritionally optimal diet during pregnancy. This guide will teach you the main things to pay attention to, because you are contemplating becoming pregnant while following a vegan diet.

pregnancy good nutrition starts even before you get pregnant. Here are some things to do and to think about:

months before becoming pregnant bid when you can make sure that you are in the best shape for pregnancy. Although the nine months of pregnancy may seem interminable, they went quickly and may be difficult to immediately make significant changes in your diet or physical condition during that time.

Women whose BMI is categorized as underweight real or overweight during pregnancy are at a higher risk for pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes have babies who are very big or very small, and have a premature baby. You can calculate your BMI using to see which category you are in. If your BMI is categorized as underweight, try to gain enough weight before becoming pregnant to get yourself into the normal range. If you're overweight, do what you can to bring your weight back to a more healthful variety may reduce the risk to your health and your baby's health during pregnancy.

Folic acid, folate form, is an important vitamin, especially during the early stages of pregnancy. This vitamin plays a role in the development of the nervous system and has been shown to reduce the risk of having a child with spina bifida or other neural tube defects. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges women to take 400 micrograms of folic acid every day, starting at least one month before pregnancy and continue during pregnancy. They specifically called for the use of folic acid from foods and / or supplements fortified, other than getting folate from food. Foods fortified with folic acid, including several ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, some bread, some pasta, and rice fortified.

Many women are iron deficient. Women who suffer from iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy are at a higher risk for pregnancy complications, including preterm birth. It is easier to correct iron deficiency before pregnancy when you just need to meet the needs of your iron. During pregnancy, blood volume and higher iron needs because your baby needs. This page provides more information on the iron.

always important for vegans, but especially so headed to the pregnancy because it is needed for brain development of infants and the rest of the nervous system. Registered dietitian Virginia Messina has to get enough vitamin B12 before pregnancy.

Messina recommend taking the form of cyanocobalamin vitamin B12, which is the only proven reliable as a supplement

If you have not already done so, whether it is to get in the habit of eating a vegan diet healthy and exercise regular. By doing so, you will be able to share these habits with your children and serve as role models. Plus, you will already be used to eat well and exercise when you are pregnant.

Excessive weight gain was adequate but not important in pregnancy. While you may think that you just need to get seven or eight pounds to account for the weight of the baby, the baby's weight is only a fraction of the weight you should gain. For example, your blood volume increases when you are pregnant. This adds about four pounds. Amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the fetus) weighs about 1-1 / 2 pounds. additional body weight consists of the weight of the placenta, the growth of breast and cervical tissue, the accumulation of fat reserves, and an increase in body fluids. Altogether, women whose BMI is in the category of "normal" is expected to get about 25 to 35 pounds. CDC website about weight gain in pregnancy

Nutrition that pregnant vegan women should be especially aware of is :.

You should be aware of a good source of each nutrient and has a plan to meet your needs every day. Fortunately, it's simple to meet your needs for nutrients with vegan diet. In some cases, these nutrients are most easily obtained throughsupplements and / or fortified foods.

The need for protein increases during pregnancy because the mother must keep her own body, while the baby develops the muscles, bones and organs. That's why protein recommendations call for the intake of 25 grams per day more than what is recommended before pregnancy. Increased protein recommendations are for the second and third trimester (beginning on the fourth month of pregnancy.) Although the exact protein needs vary depending on the mother's weight before pregnancy, most women will need about 75-85 grams of protein daily during pregnancy.

powerhouses of protein for vegans found in the legume family. Legumes include dried beans, soy products, and peanuts. Tree nuts are other protein sources. If you eat 5 servings per day of nuts, and other foods such as grains, legumes, grains, and vegetables that provide a smaller amount of protein, it is likely that you will meet your needs. A serving of nuts is one of the following:

It's very easy to get your five servings of nuts. Here is an example of how to achieve five servings of nuts in one day: You can drink smoothies made with a cup of soy milk in the morning, eating lentil soup for lunch, tofu stir-fry for dinner, peanut butter on apples for a snack and trail mix with nuts for another snack. That's all there is to it-just by eating these foods for a day you've taken your five servings of nuts.

This vitamin plays an important role in the development of the baby's nervous system. Although the woman's body stores some vitamin B12, vitamin B12 stored available to the fetus has not been proven. In other words, when you are pregnant, you need to take vitamin B12 supplements or use of foods fortified with vitamin B12 every day. Requirements in pregnancy are slightly higher than when you are not pregnant (the amount recommended for pregnancy is 2.6 micrograms per day.)

Many prenatal supplements including vitamin B12 so this is one way to get it. Another way is to take a vitamin B12 supplement, and the third way is to eat foods fortified with vitamin B12. The larger the dose of vitamin B12, the lower the percentage is absorbed, which is calculated in the following recommendations. Every day either:

Folic acid is the form of folate used in supplements and fortified foods because it is the most stable form. It is an essential nutrient added to a product enriched grains including bread, pasta, and breakfast cereals. There are several other forms of folate found naturally in foods; This is called "food folate." Natural foods high in folate include green leafy vegetables, dried beans, and citrus. These vitamins, such as vitamin B12, plays an important role in the development of the baby's nervous system.

During pregnancy, both folate from folate diet and from supplements or fortified foods is required. Folic acid appears to significantly reduce the risk of having children with neural tube defects. Foods high in folate tend to be loaded with other essential nutrients, so eat them pays off in many ways.

the role of iron in pregnancy, especially to support the development of blood-both for the baby and for the mother's blood supply enhancement. The result of inadequate iron in iron deficiency anemia can increase your baby's risk of premature birth. vegan diet can (and should!) contains a lot of foods that are high in iron include dried beans and grains. When eaten together with iron-rich foods, a squirt of lemon (or some other source of vitamin C) can dramatically increase the rate of absorption of iron. Sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices, tomato products, and broccoli. Due to very high iron requirements during pregnancy, many pregnant women taking low-dose iron supplement. Talk with your health care provider about whether or not you should take iron supplements during pregnancy.

Zinc is essential for your baby's development. including a rich source of whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. See this for more information about zinc.

Many people around the world, both in developed and developing countries, are not getting enough iodine. This is especially worrisome during pregnancy because the baby is iodine deficiency face a high risk for developmental delays. The most reliable way to get enough iodine during pregnancy is to use additional iodine. Many, though not all, chewy prenatalMents provide iodine. Check to see if you have at least 150 mcg of iodine. If not, you can use iodine supplements. Additional iodine can also be derived from iodized salt. Vegetables can offer another good source of iodine but the iodine content they are unreliable because the rate can vary widely. usually sea vegetables are rich sources of iodine, but some have sea vegetables such extreme levels of iodine that their regular consumption can cause health problems.

(ALA) is an omega-3 fatty acid is important that abound only in some vegan food. Virginia Messina recommend including one of the following foods in your diet every day to get enough of these fatty acids:

In addition to the above omega-3 sources, it may be wise to also take a daily vegan DHA capsules. Many experts recommend pregnant women included DHA in their diets. Adequate DHA appears to reduce the risk of having a premature baby and can promote the baby's brain development. vegan women can get from the containing DHA DHA derived from algae. Choose supplements that provide 200-300 milligrams of DHA per capsule.

The calcium requirement during pregnancy is an important consideration because these minerals to build bones and teeth of the baby. Recommendations on how much calcium women need to consume during pregnancy is the same with recommendations for women who are not pregnant. Women absorb and retain more calcium during pregnancy so that they do not need to increase their intake, provided that it adequately before pregnancy

All of these foods have about 150 milligrams (mg) of calcium in serving .:

To meet calcium needs during pregnancy, choose at least 5-6 servings of food on every day. Also make sure to eat other foods that provide a smaller amount of calcium.

Vitamin D plays several important roles in protecting your health, one of which is to help your body absorb calcium. Such as calcium, vitamin D requirements are not higher during pregnancy but it is still important to get vitamin D is sufficient.

People who live in sunny climates that expose most of their skin to summer sunlight for 10 to 20 minutes every day is possible to make enough vitamin D (but they still typically require supplements for most of the year) , People who do not always come out in the sun, the use of sunscreen, who live in the north more or cloudier areas, or who have darker skin will not produce vitamin D sufficient.

Even if they contain supplements, mostly vegan food is not particularly rich source of vitamin D. For example, you would need to drink 5 or more cups of vitamin D-fortified milk vegans to meet recommendations for vitamin D. Most Therefore pregnant women should use vitamin D supplements. There is . The RDA for vitamin D in pregnancy is 600 IU per day.

It's wise to avoid alcohol altogether during pregnancy. Excessive alcohol can affect the growth and development of infants and causes lifelong problems. Because we do not know exactly how much alcohol is safe, the best number for pregnant women is not at all.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy affect the immune system and makes women more susceptible to foodborne illnesses, especially listeria. Some foodborne diseases can be harmful to the fetus. To reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses, pregnant women should consider avoiding possible contamination of food especially with harmful bacteria, such as raw sprouts and unpasteurized juices.

Women who are carrying more than one baby needs to gain more weight, eat more food, and have a higher intake of several vitamins and minerals. A registered dietitian with expertise in the field of prenatal nutrition can help in developing a plan vegan expecting twins, triplets, or more. Similarly, women with conditions such as diabetes (either existing or gestational diabetes that develops during pregnancy), will benefit from individual counseling to modify their diet during pregnancy.

Contrary to what you may have read online, food cravings in pregnancy does not seem to indicate malnutrition. What triggers food cravings? Often, hormones, lack of sleep, the need for convenience, or other factors. Cravings usually harmless unless craved food is healthy nutrition and a major part of the diet, displacing other healthy foods. Cravings eat non-food substances (such as dirt, clay, or ice) may indicate a lack of iron or zinc and should be evaluated by a health care provider.

Nausea, especially in the first months of pregnancy, is common. Women with nausea may find that they feel better when they eat smaller meals more often and if they avoid foods and smells that trigger nausea. Seek medical treatment if nausea and vomiting become so severe that there is a risk of dehydration.

Let us conclude with five recommendations were very useful for pregnant women. These five steps will not be alone meet all your needs, but when coupled with the suggestions offered throughout this article, you should be well positioned to maintain good nutritional status during pregnancy.

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