to help your baby grow. Gaining weight at a steady rate within the limits recommended also can lower your chances of having varicose veins ,, ,, indigestion back pain, and shortness of breath during pregnancy.
Eating for two is important. Extra weight you gain during pregnancy to provide food for your baby develop and also saved for your baby after birth
Here are the details of your weight estimate.
The amount of weight you should gain depends on your weight and BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy
You should get :.
How much you should get depends on your weight before you get pregnant and how far you are in your pregnancy. For the average woman who started her pregnancy out at a normal weight, your weight will look like this.
If you start your pregnancy is over or under weight, you'll want to talk with your health care providers about what level your weight will look like
Healthy weight before pregnancy.
Throughout your pregnancy, the goal is to maintain a stable weight may be because your baby needs a daily supply of nutrients from what you eat.
It is normal for your weight to fluctuate a little from week to week. However, you should contact your health care provider if you suddenly gain or lose weight, especially in your third trimester. This could be a sign of certain complications.
If you are pregnant with twins, your weight should be monitored by your health care provider. Weight gain should be increased significantly, but it will not double. If you are at a normal weight and categories of BMI before pregnancy, your weight should be around 37-54 pounds. the obese women will aim for weight gain 31-50 pounds.
Women who begin pregnancy on the weight of obese should try to rise 25-42 pounds. Of course, all this can be changed with a doctor's recommendation and your particular situation.
Because many women have difficulty gaining weight in the first trimester and worried about what the effect is on the development of their babies. Some women lose a little weight at the beginning of their pregnancy. Fortunately, this time, the baby does not need as many calories and as the end of pregnancy.
It is important to gain weight at a steady pace during pregnancy. If a woman does not gain weight during pregnancy, complications such as low birth weight or premature birth may occur. Babies born to mothers who did not gain more than 20 pounds are often considered, which means they may have been malnourished during pregnancy.
A sensible eating plan that is rich in vitamins and minerals are essential for developing a baby. You may want to ask your physician for a recommendation of food or seek help from a dietitian in your area. Women who are underweight during pregnancy tend to eat low-calorie foods and not enough protein
Here is how to get more calories.
Here is a potential problem with too much weight gain:
Many overweight women have healthy pregnancies and deliver without complications. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risk of extra weight can have
Pregnant women who are struggling with obesity may have :.
Fortunately, medical and appropriate self-care can reduce the risk of these complications. Your doctor may suggest that more tests are done during pregnancy. This may include an ultrasound to measure the size of your baby, to screen for, and other diagnostic tests later in pregnancy to monitor your baby's development.
Tips for self-care the following can help you make your pregnancy is healthy for you and your baby:
Article Helpful:
Compiled using information from the following sources:
American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,
Institute of Medicine, May 2009 Summary Report, weight during pregnancy :. Review the guidelines
Find the center of the pregnancy, clinical adoption or maternity homes near you
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