FamilyDoctor.org: "Eat During Pregnancy.", FDA: "Drugs in My Home: Caffeine and Your Body," "What You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish (Brochure).", SFGate: "What is cheese with unpasteurized Health problem?"
Both during and enough of it, it is very important for your baby to grow and develop. You should consume about 300 more calories per day than you did before you were pregnant.
Although during the first few months of pregnancy can make this difficult, try to eat well and take. Here are some recommendations for making you and your baby healthy.
During pregnancy you may have, or. You may find it difficult to keep food down, or you may feel too sick to even eat at all. Here are some suggestions:
No. Do not diet or trying to lose during pregnancy - you and your baby needs the right to be healthy. Keep in mind that you will lose weight the first week your baby is born. diet
low in carbohydrates, such as and, very popular. There are no studies on the effects of low-carbohydrate diets in pregnancy, so the effect is on, if any, is unknown. When you are pregnant, you should eat a balanced diet from all food groups.
Just because you're pregnant does not mean you have to deviate from you. Your baby can receive all the nutrients he needs to grow and develop as you follow, if you make sure you eat a variety of healthy foods that provide enough protein and calories for you and your baby.
Depending on the type of vegetarian meal plan you follow, you may need to adjust your eating habits to ensure that you and your baby receive adequate nutrition. You should consume about 300 calories more than you did before you were pregnant. Discuss your diet with your doctor.
is a nutrient needed in the body to build strong bones. Calcium is also allowed to clot normally, muscles and nerves function properly, and to a normal beat. Most of the calcium in your body is found in your bones.
Your baby is growing need lots of calcium to develop. If you do not consume enough calcium to maintain your needs, your body will take calcium from your bones, bone loss and put you at risk. dramatic thinning of the bone, resulting in weak, brittle bones that can be easily damaged.
Pregnancy is a critical time for a woman to consume more calcium. Even if no problems develop during pregnancy, inadequate supply of calcium at this time can reduce bone strength and increase the risk for later.
The following guidelines will help ensure that you consume adequate calcium throughout your pregnancy:
is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk. If you are, you may have cramping, gas, or diarrhea when dairy products are consumed.
If you are, you can still receive the calcium you need. Here are some suggestions:
If you have consumed foods rich in calcium sufficient in your daily meal plan trouble, talk to your doctor or dietitian about taking a calcium supplement. The amount of calcium you will need from a supplement depends on how much calcium you consume through food sources.
Calcium and some calcium-containing antacids, such as Tums, can complement the already healthy diet. Many vitamins contain little or no calcium; Therefore, you may need additional calcium supplements.
Iron is an essential mineral that forms part of the substance in which carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron also carries oxygen in muscles, helping them function properly. Iron helps increase resistance to stress and disease
The body absorb iron more efficiently during pregnancy .; Therefore, it is important to consume more iron while you are pregnant to ensure that you and your baby are getting enough oxygen. Iron also helps you avoid fatigue ,, irritability, and.
Having a balanced diet and include tin help ensure that you consume enough iron during your pregnancy. In addition, the following guidelines will help:
Talk to your provider about iron supplements. National Academy of Sciences recommends that all pregnant women to follow a balanced diet take iron supplements provide 27 mg of iron during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (thin is the amount in most prenatal vitamins). Your doctor may increase this dose if you become anemic. is a condition in which the size and number of red blood cells is reduced. This condition may result from a lack of iron intake or from blood loss.
is normal. Although there is no widely accepted explanation for almost two-thirds of all pregnant women have them. If you develop a sudden urge for a particular food, go ahead and indulge your desire if it provides energy or essential nutrients. But, if it persists wishes you and prevent you from getting other essential nutrients in your diet, try to create more of a balance in your daily diet during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, your taste for certain foods may change. You may suddenly dislike foods you liked before you get pregnant. In addition, during pregnancy, some women feel a strong urge to eat the stuff non-foods such as ice, laundry starch, dirt, clay, lime, ash, or paint chips. It's called, and it may be associated with iron deficiency like. Do not give up on non-food craving - they can be dangerous for you and your baby. Tell you if you have non-food craving this.
If you have a problem that prevents you from eating a balanced diet and gaining weight properly, ask your doctor for advice. registered dietician - nutritionist - are available to help you maintain good nutrition during pregnancy
National Women's Health Information Center. Center for Science in the Public Interest. Uptodate.com: "Patient information: High fiber diet (Next Steps)," Arnold Wald, MD.
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