A new baby is a joy for every family. But pregnancy can put a lot of stress on your body. If you have kidney disease or kidney failure, can put you and the health of your unborn child at risk.
Are you thinking about pregnancy? If so, you should discuss this first with your doctor or other health care provider. They know you, and they can help you make a decision based on your own personal health. There are many things to consider. You and your doctor should discuss them all very carefully. Some things that can affect a healthy pregnancy include :.
Here are some brief answers to some common questions about kidney disease and pregnancy
It depends. There is good evidence to show that women with very mild kidney disease (stage 1-2), normal blood pressure, and little or no protein in the urine (called "proteinuria") can have a healthy pregnancy. What is proteinuria? It's a sign of kidney damage. Your body needs protein. But it should be in your blood, not urine. Having protein in your urine usually means that the kidneys can not filter blood properly and proteins leak out.
In women with moderate to severe renal disease (stage 3-5), the risk of complications is much greater. For some women, the risk for the mother and child high enough that they should consider avoiding pregnancy.
If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, ask your doctor or other health care provider about your stage of kidney disease, your risk of complications, your degree of proteinuria, and other health conditions that you may have.
Some of the changes in your body makes it difficult to conceive. For example, most women undergo dialysis anemia (red blood cell count is low) and hormonal changes. This can keep them from having regular menstrual periods.
Women with kidney failure are usually advised against pregnancy. Very high complication rate. Risks for both mother and developing baby are high. If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor. If you are pregnant, you will need close medical supervision, a change in treatment, and dialysis to have a healthy baby.
Yes. If you have a kidney transplant, you may have regular menstrual periods and general good health. Therefore, pregnant and having children is possible. But you should not become pregnant for at least one year after the transplant, even with stable renal function. Some medicines that you take after kidney transplantation can cause problems for the developing baby. In some cases, pregnancy may not be recommended because there is a high risk to you or your baby. Another reason is if there is a risk of loss of the transplant.
Talk to your doctor if you have a transplant and are thinking about getting pregnant. Your health care provider may need to change your medication that is safe for you to get pregnant. It is very important to use birth control until you and your health care provider have agreed that it is safe for you to get pregnant.
Many medicines anti-rejection generally safe for pregnant women and their babies. However, there are some types that can affect pregnancy and baby. This type should be avoided during pregnancy and stopped at least six weeks (or more) before pregnancy. Your doctor may monitor you after you quit, and let you know when it's safe to try a pregnancy.
If you have a kidney transplant and are considering pregnancy, you should discuss carefully with your transplant team and your kidney doctor. Your doctor may want you to move on to the anti-rejection drugs are different.
Yes. Men on dialysis or those who have a kidney transplant can father children. If you have been trying to father a child for a year or more without success, talk with your doctor. A man with kidney disease or kidney failure can be helped with regular fertility examination. Also, some drugs used after transplant can reduce the ability of men to father children. If you have a transplant and want to father children, talk with your doctor about your mediation.
Dialysis and transplant patients who are sexually active and have not undergone menopause should use birth control to prevent pregnancy. Your health care provider can recommend the types of birth control should be used. Many women who have high blood pressure should not use "the pill" (oral contraceptive) since types of drugs can increase blood pressure and increase the likelihood of blood clots. Diaphragms, sponges and condoms usually means acceptable birth control, especially when used with spermicidal creams, foams or jellies. Newer IUDs are also possible.
To contact the National Transplantation Pregnancy Registry (NTPR), call toll free at 1-877-955-6877 or email. National Transplantation Pregnancy Registry (NTPR) have studied the pregnancies in transplant recipients since 1991. You can fill out a one-page questionnaire about the pregnancy after your transplant. The information collected has helped countless transplant recipients make family planning decisions.
shared information on our website is the information that is developed solely from internal experts on the subject matter, including a medical advisory board, which has developed guidelines for the content of our patients. This material does not constitute medical advice. It is intended for information purposes only. No one associated with the National Kidney Foundation will answer medical questions via e-mail. Please consult with a physician for specific treatment recommendations.
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) is the largest, most comprehensive organization and time dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
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